Thursday, November 16, 2006

Foto di Andongsili

Here's me and my wife, Nanik, in Andongsili. The picture was taken by Reza, our first child, on October 31, 2006.
Andongsili is a tea plantation at the north foot of Mount Kemulan, Blado subdistrict, Batang regency,Central Java Province, Indonesia.
Have you ever been there? It's a beautiful landscape. Would you like to go there? Oh, it's rather hard way to reach there. The trip starts from Batang. Take an only hotmixed road to Bandar from Batang (about 18 KM). There are two choices from Bandar to reach Andongsili. The first is the hardest way because you have to go through the worst road connecting Bandar and Batur (Banjarnegara), stop at Nglier (Karang Tengah villager, after Kambangan and Kembang Langit), turn left passing the path among tea plantation about two kilometers. The way is very hard because you have to go through the slippery, stony paths beside the stony stream. By crossing the bamboo bridge acrossing the stream, you would have been under the Andongsili village.


Anita said...

Dear Pak Gito.....

How are you today....?? Congratulation you've been a headmaster now....!!

I'm Anita Susana one of your late student back at 1995-1998. Maybe you don't remember me since you has been teaching a thousands of people...he...he...he...

You made me fall in love with English, then I'm going to college to study English and now I've been married and have a handsome son (3 years old) and working for mining subcontractor company owed by an Expat (Australian). Thanks.....for give me such an inspiration that made who i am now......


NB: Fotonya mesra Pak...., saya kok belum pernah kesana ya? saya cuma pernah maen ke air terjun mana ya...? satunya Genting tuh yang di Kalisari tempatnya Suryanti (Bapak masih inget ga ya sama kita2...?)

Anita said...

he...he...ada satu kata yang salah diatas....kecepetan ngetiknya pak......., he...he....
